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Book Review - The Taste of Sorrow by Jude Morgan

 Sunday 30 May 2010

Bonne Soir mes amies I have another vlog/review for you :)
Back on Tuesday I did my Teaser for the week from The Taste of Sorrow and loads of people commented on it so since I finished it the other day I thought I'd do a review vlog of it since my brain is still totally scrambled from lack of sleep. It's not a great review I'm afraid and the audio is out of sync with my face so it looks rather bizarre but I couldn't be bothered to re-film it. But my essential thoughts about the book are in there somewhere all jumbled up with the rambling lol *sigh*

Title: The Taste of Sorrow
Author: Jude Morgan
Date Read: 29/5/2010 AM
Source: Bought from Waterstones
Description: From an obscure country parsonage came the most extraordinary family of the nineteenth century. The Bronte sisters created a world in which we still live - the intense, passionate world of JANE EYRE and WUTHERING HEIGHTS; and the phenomenon of this strange explosion of genius remains as baffling now as it was to their Victorian contemporaries. In this panoramic novel we see with new insight the members of a uniquely close-knit family whose tight bonds are the instruments of both triumph and tragedy. Emily, the solitary who turns from the world to the greater temptations of the imagination: Anne, gentle and loyal, under whose quietude lies the harshest perception of the stifling life forced upon her: Branwell, the mercurial and self-destructive brother, meant to be king, unable to be a prince: and the brilliant, uncompromising, tormented Charlotte, longing for both love and independence, who establishes the family's name and learns its price. (From Goodreads)

My Thoughts:

To put things slightly clearer than the waffling in that video, I did enjoy the story and it was a rather emotional book about a very emotionally driven family and very interesting as I didn't know how much the lives of the Bronte sisters influenced their writing. 
I personally found the writing style a little bizarre at times but that could be just me, I still warmly recommend this to people who are fans of the Brontes and want an enjoyable and informative account of their lives with all the vivacity that fictionalisation can bring to the story.

My Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

Apologies for any incoherency I really ought to go to bed soon before I pass out on the computer. 
I hope my review is of some use to people (Oh yea and it *is* available in the US, I checked).

Ever Sleepy


Christina T 30 May 2010 at 23:10  

This sounds like something I might like. I've read The Secret Diaries of Charlotte Bronte by Syrie James which I really enjoyed and you might like. I have another book called Romancing Miss Bronte but I haven't read it yet.

I really enjoyed Jude Morgan's An Accomplished Woman (reminded me of Jane Austen's works) but I haven't tried his other books. Thanks for sharing your review!

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