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Nanowrimo Day 12

 Saturday 13 November 2010

Evening! This is a significantly earlier post compared to the last few days. I actually got close to my word target before 1am! I could have written more but I felt like doing some reading before going to bed today.

I'm now nearly done with Chapter 7 after today's 1955 words added to yesterday's 1808. Tomorrow I'm hoping to be up reasonably early (for me so that's like 10am to normal folk :P) so I can finish the last bit before cracking on with Chapter 8 which I'm more excited to write cos I finally get to introduce my bad-guy in person and the most awesome HenchTwins ever! Plus my FMC is gonna get hit with some seriously big news about her mother. Tis gonna be so much fun!

Keeping it short and sweet - Overall word count at the end of Day 12 - 21400 words!

Oh if anyone wants me to post an excerpt or something then please leave a comment!

Night Chaps


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